Titleimage: Institute for Theoretical Physics

Welcome to the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP).
Some news about our recent activities can be found below.

The Institute for Theoretical Physics has about 60 members which are active in various fields. The ITP is part of the Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics (AEC), a collaboration mainly focused on experimental and theoretical particle physics and its applications (e.g. medical physics), as well as on the related spinoff and outreach activities. The AEC also maintains an active visitor program.

Our educational activities are organized together with Physics and Astronomy.


Gilberto Colangelo ITP director

As of August 1st, Gilberto Colangelo is taking over as the ITP director from Thomas Becher who has served for the past five years.

New ITP professor

This August, Fernando Romero-López starts his professorship at the ITP. He is a leading expert on the numerical simulation of strongly coupled quantum field theories and the successor of Uwe-Jens Wiese.

Yannick Ulrich appointed in Liverpool

Yannick Ulrich, currently an AEC fellow at the ITP, obtained a tenure track position at the University of Liverpool. The ITP congratulates him and wishes Yannick all the best for the future. Long live the Mule!

Eccellenza Fellowship for Valentin Hirschi

Valentin Hirschi was awarded an Eccellenza assistant professorship by the SNF to carry out his project "A novel approach to perturbative computations in Quantum Field Theory” at the ITP.



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